Friday, February 4, 2011

Pittsburgh Steeler Polamalu achieved greatness by learning from many

By Carlos Mendez

But Troy Polamalu of the Pittsburgh Steelers says he's just trying to be like a lot of other safeties.He is supposed to be the only safety of his kind in the NFL - a mix of speed, unpredictability, fierceness and intimidation never before seen in pro football.
"I've broken down a lot of film of Ed Reed, of Rodney Harrison, of Brian Dawkins, of Sean Taylor, Bob Sanders, Adrian Wilson," he said. "I've watched almost every play of their careers. I try to incorporate their style of what they do well into my game. And some of it I'm not capable of doing because they're more athletic. Some of it I was able to do, and then you can form that into your own game."
Polamalu's own game is impressive.
His speed allows him to cover vast amounts of ground between the sidelines. He can put on a hit to rival teammate James Harrison. He forces turnovers because he does the unexpected. He intimidates, and his distinctive flowing hair makes it look like he's in more than one place at the same time.
"That's my guy," safety Ryan Clark said. "Playing with Troy, it's like having a front-row seat to the circus every week. It is amazing, each and every week to watch him go out there and do his job in a way that I don't think anybody else could do it."
When he missed most of last season with an injury, the Steelers cratered without him. They didn't even make the playoffs.

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